Why "Everyone Matters or No One Matters"?
We know and feel that 'Black Lives Matter.' But we felt that the statement itself is an implicit devaluation of black life. That we have to say that black lives matter implies that they did not and do not matter to begin with. We reject this implication. Everyone matters. Black, white, brown, Christian and Muslim. Life is precious. Life is not replacable.
Of course, 'Black Lives Matter,' and especially to blacks. But the police think they matter, too. And they do. The LGBT community thinks they matter. Immigrants think they matter. They're all correct. But if we don't value, and show mutual respect for, each other; then we will never matter to each other.
Our nation, America, has never been so factionalized. We watch with pain witnessing destruction of life, families and community that can bare the scares of a deep sense of hopelessness. We have to begin again to honor the motto of America: 'E pluribus unum,' Out of many, One people. We are all in this together. We all matter.
Please help us spread this worthwhile message.
Sincere thanks to you for supporting this movement.